MSI: Our International Connection
Did you know Melton & Melton is a part of a global alliance called MSI? The MSI Global Alliance is one of the world’s leading international associations of independent legal and accounting firms. The mission of MSI is to provide an efficient and effective association framework that enables the member firms to expand their businesses. There are 249 member firms that are a part of MSI from over 100 countries around the world. There is a strict membership criteria for member firms, which ensures a commitment to the highest standards of integrity and professionalism.
What does that mean for you? Conducting business successfully across international borders not only requires detailed knowledge of local laws, tax systems, regulations and customs, but also the experience, skills and resources to support business activities on a global scale. This is where MSI assists member firms by bringing together knowledge and experience from a wide range of expertise. We are proud to be a part of MSI and look forward to growing alongside our fellow member firms.