Common Benefits of a Business Plan
As you approach the start of another year, you need to project a positive attitude for your business. One way to get things off on the right foot is to…
The Competitive Edge, Volume 1 Issue 1 | February 2011
As you approach the start of another year, you need to project a positive attitude for your business. One way to get things off on the right foot is to…
The Competitive Edge, Volume 1 Issue 1 | February 2011
The “kiddie tax” is a bit of a misnomer. This tax provision may actually apply to children well into their twenties. Nevertheless, with some advance planning, you can minimize or…
Volume 1 Issue 1 | February 2011, The Competitive Edge
If you are a small-business owner, you don’t have to sell your business to benefit from a buy–sell agreement. In fact, having a buy–sell agreement may be required under state…